Entry 1- What is my opinion on blogs?

 In all honesty I rarely read any sort of blogs. Unfortunately I search various types of blogs from food to babies, to sports, to news, and some obnoxious celebrity news. Let's start with the fist two blogs I thought were worth wasting time on. As a native I like to engage in reading materials that involve native communities or awareness. https://blog.nativehope.org/all. There are many topics of interest for any type of reader. I enjoy this blog due to the fact that it brings awareness to native hardships or even spirituality for various cultures across native lands. It shines light on the struggles we native have experience(d) past or present. This website also holds the many stories of individuals who have stories worth sharing or would like to express. The format that is used on this website would be casual/professional. This blog has well organized page that is easy to navigate within the site. The many pictures and personal information of the natives that shared their stories on the site is more of a casual. Although the information regarding health/wellness and cultural awareness/revitalization plus the well organization of the site makes it professional. The author's purpose is to give as much information about native communities and also give some sort of idea of what's happening across native country. 

The second blog that I navigated through was the https://blog.ted.com/. On this website there are many topics to read pertaining to the topic of choice. One title I watched was "Am I normal?" in this video blog it gives some information about how long does one take to get over a break up. It gave more of a therapist approach to answering the question. Which was distracting ones mind with other activities rather than thinking about the person. In due time one could overcome the breakup. I could say this website is more of a professional setup.


The least blog I dislike would have to be https://www.tmz.com/. This website focuses on celebrities lives and make a living off of them. Honestly, I could care if Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are feuding again or Kylie Jenner welcoming her second child. Personally multiple women experience break up and bringing a child into this world. It quite weird that people have the tendency to keep up the celebrities' lives. This format I would say is casual/professional with how the page is setup and is quite easy to navigate. The author's purpose is to give insiders that juicy news of famous celebrities. Many of the stories are given a lot of hype than what it really is. 


  1. Hey there,
    I can agree with you on the blog TMZ. I also wrote about that too on my blog. It's crazy that things we do everyday as "normal" people become much more interesting if you're a celebrity. I appreciate you adding the Native blog as well. I also love reading into other cultures and what they're customs and traditions are like.

  2. Hello, I have not heard about the blog, Native Hope before, but I gave it a bit of reading, and it's very informative. I am also native, and I relate to the first paragraph, and I appreciate you informing others about Native's experiences. But, overall, your post was very informative and was a good read.


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