#10 Speeding through Life
Speeding through life we tend to miss things that matter most to us. Perfect example is missing the part that our child(ren) grew up. For instance, a mother who is always working long hour days and travels for work every week. The mother one Sunday was walking down the hall and came across a mother's day card that her teenager had drew while he was in kindergarten. The mother had picked up the card and admired the card for a moment before putting it up on her dresser. A little while later the teenager had came to her room and flopped on the couch. The mother glanced up and realized her precious baby is going to be a freshman in high school next school year. She had so much that came to her mind and she couldn't remember when he grew into the young man he is. Towering a good foot and half above her he states,"mom why are you crying?" Not sure why his mother has a waterfall flowing off of her cheeks. Softly she says, "when did you become so grown?" The son still puzzled on what his mother meant. He then says to his mother that she's always working and trying to buy the things that is needed at home. The mother still a mess talks to her child and says nothing is worth missing these years that hold the memories that would last a lifetime.
Moral of the story is don't take life for granted and think that we have time to do everything later on. People tend to put family on the back burner to make a living to provide comfortability but don't even live what they are trying to build. A family needs a mother and a father to build a strong foundation for their children to grow but this isn't guaranteed for all. Adults at times forget to live or play to keep life balance but yet adults tend to bury themselves in work and experience burnouts.
People should find balance in their everyday lives and slow down a little to enjoy life. Take a break. Breathe. Simply live for what you work so hard for. Smile and laugh as much as you can doing so.
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