#9 Can we switch to organic food?

The author in this comic is trying to put across how expensive it would be to switch to organic foods. In the above photo it shows a mother serving a small amount food to her daughter. The amount of food shown that the three has to share is so little. The daughter may have picked up new information on what dangers chemically sprayed foods could do or if she read up on organic foods and how it's taken care of. 
The daughter asked, "Can we switch to organic food? It's chemical free!"meaning the crops or food has no chemical pesticides or no preservatives added. The organic food industry has protocols on how to care and grow organic food so the process is very tedious. Hence is why the foods are very much expensive. So the mother in the above photo stated they cannot afford extra expensive to their state of living.    



  1. Very informative and interesting to know the dangers about some food!


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