
Showing posts from May, 2022

EC- Food Inc

    The thoughts that ran through my head were along the lines of I'm not eating chicken no more. The film Fresh is about the food industry and how farmers use sustainable and unsustainable farming techniques. Whether one likes organic or chemically sprayed foods but it all counter acts with the amount of money one has to splurge on groceries. There were multiple farmers in the videos that have their own outlook on the way they do farming and what they believe is good for them.  Joel Salatin is a farmer that exercises sustainable farming and rotating fields for his animals to live. Then there's Will Allen a former basketball player who helps people learn the fundamental of urban farming. David Bell is a businessman that teamed up with local farmers to sell there crops there at the local super market due to Wal-Mart putting others out of business. Then the last farmer who doesn't utilize antibiotics in his animals due to an incident with a hog that made it susceptible to m...

#10 Speeding through Life

      Speeding through life we tend to miss things that matter most to us. Perfect example is missing the part that our child(ren) grew up. For instance, a mother who is always working long hour days and travels for work every week. The mother one Sunday was walking down the hall and came across a mother's day card that her teenager had drew while he was in kindergarten. The mother had picked up the card and admired the card for a moment before putting it up on her dresser. A little while later the teenager had came to her room and flopped on the couch. The mother glanced up and realized her precious baby is going to be a freshman in high school next school year. She had so much that came to her mind and she couldn't remember when he grew into the young man he is. Towering a good foot and half above her he states,"mom why are you crying?" Not sure why his mother has a waterfall flowing off of her cheeks. Softly she says, "when did you become so grown?" The s...

#9 Can we switch to organic food?

The author in this comic is trying to put across how expensive it would be to switch to organic foods. In the above photo it shows a mother serving a small amount food to her daughter. The amount of food shown that the three has to share is so little. The daughter may have picked up new information on what dangers chemically sprayed foods could do or if she read up on organic foods and how it's taken care of.  The daughter asked, "Can we switch to organic food? It's chemical free!"meaning the crops or food has no chemical pesticides or no preservatives added. The organic food industry has protocols on how to care and grow organic food so the process is very tedious. Hence is why the foods are very much expensive. So the mother in the above photo stated they cannot afford extra expensive to their state of living.      

#8 Stress

  Many of us are dealing with trying to balance out life and all that goes in it. Whether it's school, work, family, or just simply working out but those are enough to make us feel frustrated. So, how do we manage to get through times like these? What stress reducers do we use? It's basically up to the individual to cope with the stress and how they can overcome it. You may wonder, how? There are numerous tips out there on the internet to help with stress.  One of the recommendation is practicing positive coping strategies or stress reducing activities but there is more. Accepting your needs and realizing what triggers stress in your life. Having and practicing time management and exercising that involves cardio would be helpful as well. Basically setting time for yourself and relax although it may be hard to do so. Eating healthy and getting enough sleep would benefit anyone that's dealing with stress.  When life gets tough remember you are only human and only capable to...